Pensil Vs. Tribe

Build a 10x strong community. Not just Tribe.

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Feature Comparison

See how Pensil stacks up against Tribe





Unlimited Users

Private Groups

Rich Media Post

White-label community

Quiz & Poll

Chat room


Live Session with recording

Event & Webinar

Direct Message


Community Widgets

Onboarding Customization

SMTP custom email

Bulk Import & Export

Bulk Invite

Community Analytics

Roles & Permission

Custom Domain

Embed Script

Dark Theme



UI Kit

Zapier Integration

Single Sign-on (SSO)


Community Points


Score System


Payment System

Paid Group

Paywall Integration

Recurring Payment

One time payment

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Why Pensil is the #1 alternative to Tribe

White-labeled Mobile App

When more than 60% of internet traffic come from mobile phones, it is critical that your members can access your community anywhere, anytime.

With Pensil, you can have your own fully white labled mobile & web app.
White Label community mobile app

Built-in video conferencing tool

Facebook-styled forums are dead. With platforms like Google meet & Zoom that took video engagement to the masses, AV is a necessity for community engagement.

Host events, meetings, podcasts, webinars, lectures, & engage with your members live.
Live session with recording

Monetize your community

Many of the top creators and brands run their entire business on Pensil. You can easily start accepting payments in minutes.

Whether you're offering a membership, one-time access to content, providing free trials or monthly recurring subscriptions — Pensil has you covered.

Move your community to Pensil

Book a call to understand how you can migrate your existing community to pensil.
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Why customers switch to Pensil

Our support team is here to help you
One of the biggest reasons many companies switch to Pensil is our customer service. We love hearing from you whether it's questions you have or feature requests. With your feedback in mind, our team releases new features every 2-3 weeks.
Customizable experience as per community
Modify your platform as per your community experience  and user behaviour, we understand one size doesn't fit all and that's why we have built enough customization for your community to stand out.
White-label mobile application
80% of traffic nowadays are generated from the mobile phone so get a dedicated mobile app for both Android & iOS platform.
Community engages best when available on all the devices

Your branded online community on any device.

Book a demo and see how easy it is to get started.
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Pensil webapp & mobile app