Getting started with Events on Pensil

Our new Events feature has been enabled on all Pensil communities. That's right — starting today, you can now run all of your events on Pensil. A few quick highlights:

  • You can easily create online and IRL events, with dates, times, rich descriptions, and locations.
  • Easily collect RSVPs from your members
  • Make it easy for your members to see & join all of your upcoming events
  • Increase event attendance by allowing your members to add events to their calendars and receive reminders.
  • Let members host an event in the community

🗓️  Want a glimpse into what's possible? Check out our own Events space. The best part: creating events takes seconds.

1. You can have open events or private events

Events take place at a certain date and time. Common examples are community get together calls, Q&As, panels, group sessions, in-person gatherings. And you can control who views and RSVP to your community events just like

2. Create virtual events and IRL events.

Simply add the name of the event, a description, the location. It's easy, intuitive and just works.

3. Members can easily RSVP, add your events to their calendars, and get automated reminders.

Interested in an event? You can now RSVP with a single click. No wonder we've seen our communities experience an increase in attendance once using our new events feature!

ℹ️ How to create event?

Community events

Go to the event tabs from the left sidebar, below the home & group. And click on create a button in the header

  1. Create Event
  • Enter event name
  • Upload cover picture
  • Enter event description
  • Select the host of the event, if none selected it will the user who is creating the event as default host
  • Select no. of seats for the event or leave it to unlimited
  • Select the start and end time of the event
  • In case of a virtual event generate the meeting link or enter the URL of the virtual call like google meet or zoom
  • In case of an “at location” event, enter the location
  • That's it now Create an event
  1. Invite - Once the event is created you can invite the user
  2. Invite via URL - Copy the URL and share it with users via post or message or post it on social media
  3. Invite by email notification - Once you share the event in a section, all the members of that section or group, an email will be sent to them with an invite to event where so they register for the event by updating their RSVP address

Edit Event - While editing the event info, you can edit everything except the meeting link of the event.

  1. Go to event
  2. Click on 3 dots on the event card
  3. Select Edit
  4. Change event info
  5. Hit Save
  6. Confirm if you want to notify via email about the updates to the who user have registered for the event

🔔 How event notifications work?

Systems send email notifications about the event on 3 actions

  1. Invite user email - When you post the event in any section, every member of that section/group gets an invite email
  2. Update event - When you updated the event info while editing the event, at the time saving you are asked to send an email notification based on that registered user receives an email about the event
  3. RSVP mail - When user register for the event, they receive a confirmation email about their status update.

Currently, we don't send any reminder email but that's part of our roadmap and will be delivered soon

👤 How to let members host an event in the community?

By default, only admins can host or create events in the community.

You can also let your members create events in your community.

Enable this option from community settings

  1. Go to community settings > community experience
  2. Look for the Show and Hide feature category
  3. Enable “Anyone can create event in the community”

That's it.

🌍 Info on timezone of the events for audience from around the world

Every community has a timezone.

By default, it is set to IST.

To change the timezone

  1. Go to community settings > General settings
  2. Look for the Timezone dropdown
  3. Select your timezone
  4. Update community

This timezone will be mentioned along with the event time. So your community members from all over the world can calculate the precise time of the event

We're already working on exciting new updates to help you level up your events:
  • Recurring events. Set up an event that recurs every week. or month, or day. Up to you. These could be weekly coaching groups or monthly Q&A sessions.
  • Let your members easily subscribe to the events calendar in their native calendar application (iCal, Gmail, Outlook, etc.) In the near future, they'll be able to automatically subscribe to all events in a space and add them to their calendar.
There are dozens of additional improvements like these on the way. We're just getting started — so stay tuned.

Go ahead and create your first-ever community event! Have questions? Drop by our community for any questions

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